Originally Posted by Dead-Air
My friends have a three year old who's obsessed with Gabba Gabba, so I'm sure we'll be showing the baby dvds of it soon enough ourselves. We intend to stay away from pumped in tv so we can control the flow (especially of commercials!)
My wife and I watched all of Land of the Lost not all that long ago. She'd never seen it, and I knew she would love it. Always unfortunate how much the third season went down from the first two though, and the pilot isn't on any DVDs. I'm both excited and full of dread for the movie version coming out next year.
i think ive seen that before, it was great.
what was that tv show witha family of dinosaurs? it wasnt animation but people incostumes. there was a fat dad and a baby who's diaper was his shell? ring any bells for anyone?