Age: 17
Gender (Please circle one):
M / F
Location/Ethnicity: British
Are you an only child? (Please circle one)
Y / N
Are you parents separated? (Please circle one)
Y / N
Do you, or have you ever used illicit drugs? (Please circle one)
Y / N
Do you or have you ever abused other, legal substances? (E.g. alcohol, medication, huffing chemicals?) (Please circle one)
Y / N
If so to either, what type of drugs were used and at what age did you start these practices?
What reasons do you/do you not have for taking drugs?
Waste of money and time, I find other things to better lift my spirits
Do you believe that certain illegal drugs should be either legalised or decriminalised? If so, which ones?
I don't care. If anything, drug death is just natural selection.
Do your friends use similar drugs and/or share similar views to you? (Please circle one)
Yes No
Do you have a drug related mental condition? (Please circle one)
Yes No
Do you feel that there is a connection between the creative arts and drug culture in any way? If so, how?
Drugs influence all types of art, and in turn gives drugs a certain romance
Do any of the musical groups you listen to influence your decision? If so, how? And what music do you listen to?
A lot of the musicians I listen to actively take drugs, a lot don't. I doesn't mean anything to me, I'm no sheep.
Have the attitudes presented in films towards drugs made you think about them in a different way? If so, please circle whether it positive or negative.
Positive Negative
Do you feel that drug use is glorified in the world of creative arts? If so, please circle which aspect of the creative arts you feel glorifies drug use.
Film and Television Music Visual Art Literature Other (Please specify)