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Old 05.15.2008, 03:55 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Gogogonorrhea
What is wrong with giving them their own state in order to avoid that?

well, there kind of were millions of people already living there, who had been there for some time. how can a bunch of European jews feel justified in taking the territory from people who already lived there out of religious and ethnic idealogy? it is as absurd as the American manifest destiny. Just like the US with slavery and manifest destiny, Israel will have to come to terms one day with its terrifying foundations on inequality and injustice. tell the people the truth! But what can we expect, 60 years after the US founding they still had slaves! maybe in a hundred years the israelis will finally get it...

anyways European jews taking the holy lands as a homeland based upon their ideology and religion is about as insane as Alexandrian Ethnic Greeks from Egypt trying to retake Athens today, because they are descendents from athenians from two thousand years ago! I cant go back to germany and take some land because my ancestors lived there two hundred years ago, so how come the whole damned world supports zionims? it is bullshit, sorry, call it as a I see it.
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