Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
people living in refugee camps in lebanon and jordan still have the land deeds to property they lost to Israel.
It's a shame that there are still "refugee" camps in Lebanon and Jordan, that we now have refugees of the 3rd generation. Why do Arabs tread their palestinian brothers in such a way? Jews who had to leave their arab homelands after 1948 were integrated into israeli society, why didn't the same thing happen to palestinian arabs in Lebanon? is it because integrating the palestinian arabs into other arab societies would mean to acknowledge that they will never return to the palestine, to the part of it that is now israel? why are they not allowed to leave the camps and become a part of their host country's society?
why are the grand children of someone who had to flee or was driven out of Israel still considered a refugee? Am I a refugee too because my grandparents where driven out of East Prussia in 1945?