You all have made great points and helped me think about this. Its not something that i should feel wierd about. I fear death and it reminds me of that (like bradley said) It makes me imagine my body without "me"(or spirit) in it. But, like !@#$% said, it is fuckin meat, remnants from me, like shit and brains. I still fear someone letting me die when im old to give some young kid my heart or something(im horrible). Its probably safe to say i will be fine without it in the after-life. Its gonna rot in the ground anyway (good point crypto). Who cares what happens with it afterwards(black market, medical/scientifical stuff, etc.)?
So, i have changed my mind in about 4 hours, good job on that one thx. Next time i get my licensed renewed or whatever ill do it, but im definitley never going to be one of those preachy bastards that makes you feel like an idiot if you dont agree with them (BTW: im in no way reffereing to any of you)