you should give jeremiah johnson a try
-historical (much of it based on lore) drama with redford as old west mountain man
-structured a bit too much like a melodrama, maybe a bit, but long wilderness scenery shots work to balance...made in 70s
enjoyed Sydney Pollack's performance in that ep as the inmate doctor's intern (doctor who killed his wife) in the final Sopranos season...the one where Johnny Sack dies...
think he enjoyed acting...especially memorable in The Player and Woody's Husbands and Wives
even did tv (a good bit of tv)
going all the way back to Ben Casey...
Out of Africa is the one that garnered the most awards, but my favorite Pollack movie with him as director...
i'm gonna go against the grain and go Jeremiah Johnson.
wanted to like The Yakuza (written by Paul Schrader, i like Mitchum esp.), wanted to like Castle Keep (like Falk esp.) but those movies fall a little flat..shoot horses is pretty good, never see n the swimmer
producer for Recount...the HBO special movie playing all the time...great piece of work...see it