Public transport is always a gold mine for overheard conversations. This was about a week ago. Three stoners on a tram (no - I wasn't one of them) discussing the previous night's events.
FAT GUY: (To SKINNY GUY) Hey, what was up with your mate, last night?
SKINNY GUY: Who, Dave?
FAT GUY: Yeah. Is he gay or what?
THE JOCK: I think he is. It's common knowledge.
THE JOCK: (To FAT GUY) Do you want him? Is that it?
FAT GUY: No man! Shit! I can't believe I shared a bong with a faggot!
SKINNY GUY: Geeze man, what's your problem?
FAT GUY: I don't like poofs! I shoot poofs - with a gun!
(Slight Pause)
FAT GUY: (To SKINNY GUY) You're not a fag, are you?
SKINNY GUY: (Mockingly Camp) Well er .... I have been known to swing from time to time.
(SKINNY GUY and THE JOCK laugh. FAT GUY sulks)
I had to get off soon after that. That fat dude was fucked!