But my way I'm not taking anything away from anyone. If I got the winning lotto numbers, that would mean I'd be taking a large ammount of money away from someone.
Actually, now that I think about it, here is a better solution. I'd go back in time and save 2 59 Les Pauls from imminent destruction. I'd sell one and keep the other one. I'd then put them in cases that they could not possibly become damaged in, and I would hide them in my house.
Then I'd buy:
a chamberlin
a moog
all the moogerfooger effects
a 72 telecaster
a plain old telecaster
a jazzmaster
a jaguar
an SG
a 335
a Casino
a Rickenbacker bass
a Rickenbacker 330
a Rickenbacker 360
a marshall stack
a fender vibrolux
a fender blackface vibrolux
Vox AC30
Vox Starstream
Vox Ultrasonic
a ZVEX Fuzz Probe
EHX 2880
Some luthier custom guitars
a bunch of other stuff