Originally Posted by acousticrock87
The main thing is really pretty indescribable. There obviously has to be that initial connection that no one fully understands. Making it last is a matter of compromising the right things and accepting what needs to be accepted. I don't have a "type". I could see myself just as easily with a rebellious girl or with a nice girl. I don't care what music she listens to as long as we don't drive eachother crazy with it (and I have pretty open tastes, so that's easy). That's not where I think people fall in love. Though I think she does need to have similar religious beliefs. That's a really dangerous and volatile area.
I think I could easily drive a normal girl insane with my musical taste. Most people would think I'm crazy for listening to stuff like JAMC.
Everyone has a type. If I meet a girl and I don't think I'd date her, she isn't my type. I don't know what my type is, but I know what my type isn't.
As far as nice girl/rebel girl, I don't know about anyone else- but when a girl seems very very proper and nice, I just can't see myself dating her. The same with a girl that seems the complete opposite. I'd feel with the nice girl that I am polluting her niceness and really changing who she is. With the more rebellious girl, I'd feel she was doing that to me. So I'd like to find a girl that is about where I am.