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Old 05.30.2006, 06:03 PM   #1
expwy. to yr skull
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Sorry if this is annoying, but we have to get this shit straightened out.

PLEASE try this for me. Anyone--you don't have to be a book club member. I need to see if this works for people.You have to be using Firefox for this to work. If you're not, you should be anyway. Firefox is available here:


1. Go to

2. Go to the bottom of the page and click on "install 0.9.72" at the bottom right. You may have to allow this site if nothing happens. A yellow bar will come up at the top of the screen if this is the case. If this happens, click on "Edit Options" in the yellow bar, then click on "Allow", then on "Close". Then try clicking on "install 0.9.72" again.

3. Once you get this worked out, go ahead and install the plugin. You will have to restart Firefox for it to finish installing.

4. Restart Firefox and go to Tools-->ChatZilla

5. Type /server

6. Type /join #SYGBookClub after it connects.

7. If you need to change your nickname type /nick {whatever}

Also, any IRC program will work. You don't need this one, it's just nice that it's a plugin. You could also use something like mIRC:
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