I was going to say you should just tell her how you feel, until I read that you already did that. Basically, at this point, she's in her place. You may end up friendly again, but don't try for it. If she's going to change, she'll come to you. You sound like you think she won't, so it's her loss. You were a good friend and you stuck it out for a while. You can't do that forever.
You'll find better people, and your mutual friends aren't stupid (hopefully). If they don't take your side, they'll at least stop defending her after a it cools off. You can't be the only person that sees she's a bitch. They probably just don't see the sharp edge as often.
If all else fails, know that you're way ahead of them, and I assure you you're a happier person than she is and will have way better friendships your entire life.