Places usually have Donkey Kong, Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man, and Joust, but not often Robotron: 2084 or Stargate. (Can't play Defender all that well though as it is the real toughest game ever made; then again, Donkey Kong, Jr. is ridiculously difficult too). Phoenix, Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe, Centipede and Tempest are fairly (but not all that) common. Even more rare is Marvel Vs. Capcom (fave fighting game) or Blasteroids. Sometimes you'll see the Marvel Super-Heroes one (vs. Capcom is much better) or one of the D&D ones.
Oh, and I'm nuts for more than a few pinball machine titles: Jurassic Park (think I like this one the most), Addams Family, Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Simpsons, and the classic Cyclone are all great just to name some favorites.