Originally Posted by o'connor
it's worth howeve rmuch someone is willing to pay for it. not to be a kick, but i have seen it go for $40 before. then again that was before the cd was re-issued. and $4?! it's definately worth more than that. kinda like how i bought a 1965 jazzmaster on ebay years ago, for $600. it's worth well over that but the idiot had no idea what he had. 
oh definitely, that's the thing about ebay prices is they fluctuate alot, i buy stuff for $60 and it ends up selling for $20 in a months time, similarly my friend bought a record on ebay for $6 about a year ago and recently the album is selling for $700
i'm just saying the chance of getting $40 for master-dik around this time is really low, i don't have a copy so i've been watching master dik auctions for the last couple of weeks and it sells for under $20