Describe a perfect day for you.
Cold, with decent cloud cover. Wake up a little late, go for a walk, do random stuff until the evening, dinner with some cool person(s), then walk around in the night.
What WOULDN'T you do for love?
That and inter-species erotica (dammit, I didn't read responses before I posted. schizo beat me to it)
Just who is the King Shag Corpse?
No idea
Do you like or hate public displays of affection?
I can stand some, but the "sitting on the lap, making out while 20 people are within 25 feet", no
What word or phrase is guaranteed to angry up your blood?
Any racist remark
Which SYG boardie would you like to go out for a massive drinking session
At this point? Any of you...
Have you ever had a secret crush on a good friend of yours?
Of course
Are you a day person or a night owl?
Night owl all the way
Are you a fan of trash TV (Jerry Springer, Judge Judy, The X Factor, Big Brother etc)? If so, name yer fave trash TV thing right now.
Which piece of music is guaranteed to make you cry at the moment?
The Diamond Sea if I little it get the better of me
Describe your fave Mark E Smith anecdote/interview quote.
I've never actually seen one.
For whom would you die for?
Not sure. My self-preservation instinct is far too strong for my own good.
Do you feel that romance is wonderful, or an over-rated pile of crap?
Which is your favourite country or city that you've travelled to?
Florence, Italy
Which currently "hot" musician/actor/actress would you love to have a tumble with?
Not sure...there's probably a few.
What's you fave/funniest gig-going experience?
SY in Nashville, nothing like a SY gig with a close friend that will appreciate the show as much as yourself
And finally: What is yer fave Elvis Presley song?
Hound Dog
"One: Where's the fife? and Two: Gimme the fife."