Describe a perfect day for you. I would wake up nice and easy around 10:00AM, put some sea & Cake on the turntable, have a magical breakfast appear before me of endless Cafe Latte and lox & Bagels. I would then go to the art museum for a few hours where they would be showing the first retrospective of Ralph Steadman where I would be the sole visitor. I would then teleport to amsterdam and smoke hash out of a giant earth bong for a few hours, listening to Dinosaur Yr Living All Over Me and Pavement's Slanted & Enchanted. After some Greek Coffee I would teleport to dinner at Kim & Thurston's home, where they served delicious delights. I would then hang with thurston while exchanging sly glances with kim and thurston and I would listenj to records and argue and get very agitated when Lee comes over around 11 PM and says that they resurrected Jimi Hendrix and he wants to jam with us on a two hour long DIAMOND SEA, which we proceed to do. My girlfriend finally gets fed up and picks me up and takes me home and for punishment she rides me for a jackhammer hour or two, whereupon I pass out soon after she hands me a bowl of stinky cheeb to smoke.
What WOULDN'T you do for love? repress the explioted working class
Just who is the King Shag Corpse? Hugh Hefner
Do you like or hate public displays of affection? I ignore them I guess
What word or phrase is guaranteed to angry up your blood? sonic youth suck
Which SYG boardie would you like to go out for a massive drinking session with? I do not really drink, but I think, as far as someone to get intoxicated with and hang out talkin', it would be suchfriendsaredangerous, sarramkrop, and glice, three people I think I could have endless interesting and/or antagonistic conversations with. but there are many many.
Have you ever had a secret crush on a good friend of yours? oh yeah. lots. kinda tough on the noggin
Are you a day person or a night owl? night owl.
Are you a fan of trash TV (Jerry Springer, Judge Judy, The X Factor, Big Brother etc)? If so, name yer fave trash TV thing right now. I love survivor, and my g/f got me hooked on topmodel.
Which piece of music is guaranteed to make you cry at the moment? nothing really comes to mind
Describe your fave Mark E Smith anecdote/interview quote. I do not know of any, never read any, never seen him talk, nothing.
For whom would you die for? almost anyone. I would die to preserve someone's right to enjoy listening to folk singer songwriters.
Do you feel that romance is wonderful, or an over-rated pile of crap? romance is crap. love is wonderful. romance is how people without love fool you.
Which is your favourite country or city that you've travelled to? NYC
Which currently "hot" musician/actor/actress would you love to have a tumble with? kim kardashian
What's you fave/funniest gig-going experience? meeting steve shelley was great, and seeing skinny puppy in houston during the las rites tour was scary as hell in terms of fan mosh violence. seeing pavenemtn open for sy was wonderful. but seeing phish for the first time on 4 weed brownies, peaking ten mkinutes before they finished playing, was the single greatest thing.
And finally: What is yer fave Elvis Presley song? I don't have one