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Old 09.08.2008, 08:56 PM   #16
the destroyed room
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Originally Posted by pbradley
I think Sonic Youth is more compromised by hipster worrying that they are being compromised than by anything else.

I like that. this is an interesting but also confusing topic. I thought Dead-Air made some good points too (also, is that a reference to heatmiser?) and certainly the rules are changing. The rules are changing and this is the only thing that makes me think that it's possible that the next great movement in music could be coming. But it's probably not.
Sure, most of modern life now is based on commodity. If i get no commitments and some mild form of dyslexia I could pretty happily live the rest of my life on hand outs and die of cancer in my early 40's or some shit. Music - in the way that it's delivered and received - is most defiantly a luxury and not needed for survival (though it keeps me sane) There is also a big split in my mind between when it is a social thing and when it is a personal thing.
Music - in and of itself is something thats far more carnal, however, and core to the human existence than commodity or capitalism or any of these bullshit invention words of man that could never really mean anything. Whereas music can if you're not shallow.
We live in a time when there's far too much information but nobody knows fuck all. I'm just a stupid cunt that's going to die, just like you, not worth anything.
Any great movement, or just music, comes from anything that, not necisarily rejects the norm - it's just separate... it doesnt care about the norm. It's not concerned. I see many "alternative" bands and they're just the fucking same - just like the pop bands. The majority of people can't differentiate what it is that separates them because all they can see is the big swinging cock of acceptance... this is where all the cunts and the capitalists spawn from... and the money and shit comes in and fucks it up. it dies. you either wait for the next thing or give up and think there was only one good thing that ever existed ever. (in terms of music). And it's like no grey area exists but the right people will know. And know that I'm off my fucking head right now,l I really hope the human race gets wiped out one day soon.


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