Originally Posted by jakeonguitar
i don't care how one-sided (add or replace other demeaning modifier phrases) mccain and palin are, i would rather have their administration over obama's socialist promises.
what the fuck is this "socialism" you speak of.
you think the fake unfettered capitalism that gave us enron, the mortgage crisis, bear sterns, and now lehman brothers, is really "free market"? guess who ends up paying for that shit. you do, i do. fucking corporate welfare socialism.
who the fuck ends up paying for the destruction and reconstruction of iraq, for the care of veterans and their lifetime of treatment, who the fuck pays for the increased oil prices, and who the fuck bears the brunt of tens of of thousands of army reservists and national guards away from their jobs stuck with military pay families broken up PTSD out the wazoo? they do, you do, i do. fucking militaristic socialism.
the national debt right now is
i am trying to buy health insurance right now and i can easily afford the premiums (less than $200/mo). the problem is that it's a shitty kind of insurance, they can reject you for any reason, they cover only part of your expenses, and you're basically fucked if you do, fucked if you don't. the market does not always take care of everything, and if you believe that you're high on pseudo-libertarian cocaine.
fuck your bullshit lies.