09.15.2008, 04:23 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Sydney
Posts: 6,157
Originally Posted by amerikangod
Also, since I don't want to browse through the 1000+ pages can someone who has already done so please post a "best of" of only the hottest ladies and manliest of men (like, the ones that I might find attractive if I was really drunk, it was dark, they had a wig on, a Cure song was playing, and maybe I bumped into them and they felt soft so something inside me clicked as "Oh, hey, that's a lady"), that way I can save the pictures in my fap folder?
And better yet, can you identify the ones that live in the New York area for me? That way I can put them in the 'SEX ONE DAY MAYBE????' sub-folder.
I like to keep organized. Thanks guys.
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