well, i just had a near death experience, and im really fucked up over it. my friday night started up as it usually does, i got outa school, curled up on the couch and watched some dvd's. then i started getting drunk, and before i knew it i was wasted. went next door to see my neigbors, got back and realized i locked myself out. my roomate says he cant make it back, so i usually am able to juke my bedroom window open and climb through there, this time however, i juked too hard and sent my right arm directly through the glass. i took a massive chunk outa my mid, fatty part of my arm. i then ran into the parking lot and yelled for help, which i got thank god. at this point i could literally feel myself losing blood, like it felt as if the life was slowely leaving my body. i passed out, and then woke up at some time in the hospital, thankfuly ok. the doctors said it looked a lot worse than it was because i hit some veins, but it wasnt fatal, no big arteries. i got discharged at about 4 30 am, and im now at my computer at 5:10 am. Ill tell you though, theres nothing like a good fright like that to make you realize how great life is.
listen to pink reason