Electrical Audio boards are great. You can randomly start posts about Omoide Hatoba or Mong Hang and get 500 replies. Everyone there is a musical expert. On the other hand, the board doesn't seem to have a lot of the playfulness of this board and it seems like some of the things we talk about (movies and shit) aren't discussed... also, most of the people posting seem to mainly be interested in talking about their bands or recording equipment. So, I don't post there very often, but I do lurk a lot and it's usually great! Better than this place from what I can tell though mainly if you're a Steve Albini fan.
I post to the noisefanatics boards. I don't even post to the main NOISE section because it's just people advertising their tapes or their record label's tapes, though I do lurk that section. The MOVIES/MISC/MISC MUSIC sections are golden, though. Lots of knowledgable, great people. Everyone there is really nice and really intelligent and really FUNNY. But, again, I don't post to the NOISE section because it's mainly people jerking each other off. "OHH NICE TAPES MAN!"
My favorite message board as of late has just been different last.fm boards.