Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
The only people who ever robbed me were cops. "Giving me a fine" is what they called it.
Well yeah... cops. When I reported what happened, the first thing I wanted was a glass of water because my mouth was really dry. That took a fucking half hour and then the cop who took my statement and typed it up lacked basic grammar. No help...
Originally Posted by racehorse
This thread is probably how they will "find you".
No fucking way!! I'm not buying into any bullshit that these cunts were some kind of angsty post-punk kids lashing out against a fucked-up society that has given them no hope for the future (or whatever)...
They wouldn't have the slightest idea of what a Sonic Youth is. If this were a thread in a Nickleback forum, then maybe....
Having said that, I do realise that you can find a fuckwit anywhere - even at a Sonic Youth show..