Originally Posted by pbradley
You know, I received an email from the Obama campaign to do just that?
Or are you saying that we shouldn't give our candidate monetary support at all and just leave that up to the lobbying groups to do? After all, all campaign donations go into the negative media and not things like travel expenses, positive media, etc., right?
no, I am saying that the candidates should be sending us letters and emails asking us to maintain dialogue and discourse with our neighbors, our families, our friends, or co-workers, the people on the bus, the people in line at the market, at starbucks, and mcdonalds, at trader joes where ever... etc etc
Money is a cop out solution, TV commercials are just brainwashing. If people really want to enact all this change they keep bullshiting about, they would do a little more about it. They can send money if they like, but the reality is the the DNC is as brutally corrupt and morally bankrupt as any other merciless, bloodthirsty multinational conglomerate...
if you believe in Barack Notgonnastop'em, then preach that shit continually, but sending that fool money for brainwash miseducation add campaigns will only bring about more of the same and the status quo, and I thought we were trying to change something here? I smell horseshit, and money is not the solution.