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Old 10.06.2008, 07:53 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the difference betwene McCain and Obama philosophically is HUGE man. I know the system sucks and the system is broke and that special intereet gruops with MONEY have the clout ut Obama for his entire career as a politician has advocated and LIVED his professional life as free of those lobbying groups as it is possible to be man. McCain has his feeble peepee balls deep in lobbying special interest groups assholes. YOU KNOW THIS. badmouth the real fucking con artist, McCain and his lap bitch Palin.

think about the differences in national policy, VAST DIFFERENCES between Clinton and Dubya Bush.


Democratic and Republican Parties are evil, interest oriented, soul-less mother fuckers, and I dont need to explain otherwise. Who feels it knows it, and those of us who understand how monstrous both politcal machines are understand what I am saying. besides, what the fuck are you worried about? Barack Notgonnastop'em already got the mandate from heaven, john mclame is just fucking around up there, its been known since like.. last year!

to cast hope in these characters is hopeless. up with hope, down with dopes! elect yourself president and express your own personal agency in your life...

or you could just send the DNC a check on obama's behalf and pretend his interest is you because they said so and not accept the reality that his interest is their interest and their interest are fucking some scary shit!
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