Yeah. Uh... I guess the title says it all. I excuse the fact that none of this makes any sense whatsoever because my head hurts like a bitch. And no, this is not fiction.
Anyway. Me and people I met a few hours ago and my friend Jessica were all laying on this couch in some house of some friend of one of the girls that I met a few hours ago (say that 10 times) were all sleeping, minding our own business when some girl barged in and started yelling at us. From what I gathered, she was the ex girlfriend of the guy who was staying in his grandma's house (where we were). They were yelling and whatnot and the girl eventually left. Okay, so no more of this crap, right? Right. Fucking murphy's law. Anyway.
So, I overhear the ex-boyfriend dude talking to this chick on the phone and apparently she's going to come back over with 3 of her booty ho friends and beat us up because we were sleeping on the couch and we have vaginas. Woo. I didn't take it seriously at first.
...Until about 30 minutes later they show up at the front door. At this point it's about 4:30 am.
They pound and pound. I sneak over and lock it, seconds before they try to open it.
We're safe for about 30 seconds before they go around the back and start pounding so hard on the sliding glass door I can see the plexiglass straining not to break. I thought it would.
I'm not a wimp though. I hold the door shut with one arm as all three of them try to rip it open. everyone else on the couches are wondering what the fuck is going on. I am too. As they shout things like "you girls gonna get bent" and shit like that which so happens to be common in their vocabulary, eventually the strain between me holding the door shut and them trying to rip it open forces the door handle to go flying in either direction.
One of them grabs my hair. I suddenly feel like a victim in the middle of one of those youtube videos of those chicks beating each other up. Or maybe a 12 year old girl with an "nsync sucks" shirt on in the middle of a mob of angry fans.
They pull me and start pounding my head with all their might. I'm seriously surprised I didn't walk away with a fractured skull. As they pull me to the ground, they beat me over and over with their fists and kick me in the ribs a few times. Somehow I crawl away, yelling at the chicks on the couches, wondering why none of them even attempted to help me.
Either way, we all make a mad dash for the front door as soon as they start coming in the house. I dial 911 because if these girls are as mad as they're acting, someone besides me is 'gonna get bent'. I hang up when one of them tries to grab my jacket and pull me backwards.
I go straight for my car. I yell at Jessica and some girl named Lindsey to get in and we speed off as fast as we can.
911 calls me back. I tell her my name, and where I am, and who's in my car and whatnot. Etc. I drive to my house, somehow. I'm pretty dizzy at this point.
The cops find us eventually and the EMTs examine my head and say I should go to the hospital but I don't because I'm a fucking idiot. They give me an icepack and leave.
I give my date of birth and my name literally about 20 times to the same 5 people.
Three separate officers interview me, Jessica and Lindsey three separate times. We all make statements on paper. You know, the usual crap. Their parents come pick them up, my mom talks to the officer for a bit, and they eventually leave.
I end up going to the emergency room. Yay.
Either way, I'm gonna press charges. They'll probably find these girls because the dude that lives at that house know who they are. I've got scratches down my face, my legs and my feet and a few big bruises on my knees and a huge one on the back of my neck. I've got two knots in the back of my head and a headache that makes beating yourself with a lead pipe across the face feel like a soft fuzzy kitten.
How is that whenever I try to do something logical, something bad happens?
Dunno, whatever. Hopefully if I get what I want out of this, they'll end up paying for my medical bills and more. One of the other girls (on the couch) got away with a bloody possibly broken nose. Meh. inb4 "I'M PRESSIN' CHARGES! WHERE MY DO RAG AT?"