my hot bevarage habbits are many, probably due to the culture of my city(constantly having a coffee or tea is mandatory)
I'm an ex starfux employee so am pretty much a slave to melusine making my coffee, though I do have a couple variations, depending on how much caffiene I need
espresso I do a single shot grande with almond(favourite) or vanilla and soy milk
brew I do south american or african only, no asia pacific bs unless its after dinner (with the exception of christmas blend) soy misto with vanilla
....or if i need to wake the fuck up I'll do a grande brew with about an inch of cold water.
at home in the morning I french press kenya or house blend and have it with steamed soy..
At cafes I am not affraid to be a "can you make this again/poor half out and add more milk/ etc" type of person.. if it tastes awful im not going to drink it. Though if they dont get it right the second try, I let it slide and go for three spoons of raw sugar.
maybe Im a little over explanitory with the coffee, but I used to make a living being a nerd for it so the star skillz are still wearing off.
I'm also a tea lover, and secretly dream of one day having my own cafe/bar which serves an array of superb tea based beverages, and is the local haunt for everyone who is remotely interesting..
earl gay or an organic rooibos are both equally yummy.
tiny and lost.