well, i never had music turned up too loud that it hurts. i like being able to hear...
i have recently noticed the tinitus in my ears after the mbv show last september...... im reckoning some damage was done as i never heard it in there before.. or maybe there is someone real small with a wine glass running their finger over the rim of it constantly in my head!
ears are for life, loud music is only for a few minutes!!
as for inflicting my taste on otheres, no way, thats just rude and selfish.. ihate it when the pseudo hard men drive around in their japanese imports with airfix kits sellotaped to the back playing their (dare i say it) gaynite club music, ykow the duf duf duf duf duf ones, they are so hard they call their pink shirts salmon.....
i hate those wankers so why would i inflict lightning bolt or whatever opn them when i drive past... i do do it to goths tho... they are even funnier with their make ujp and shit boots.... every home should have one!