I had a movie marathon with my movie marathon friend Friday night. We saw 3 jarmusch movies and 3 gore movies. My friend went home at 5AM and I made coffee.
Later Saturday three friends came and we had some wine and listened to Björk and Blonde Redhead before getting drunk. One of the girls had a joint and we danced to Sonic Youth. Then we went for more wine and got neon paint on our faces, danced to the 80s, made a movie and drank more wine. A cat appeared out of nowhere and we named it Sonic. One of the girls played guitar, communist pop songs from the 70's.
After 5AM we ran out of cigarrettes and went to buy some more, but it was closed so we waited outside the store and I started to sing. The singing turned to rap. My punkgay friend taped the whole thing.
they left at 6AM and I was still up for some party, even though I had been awake for the last 40 hours. I listened to bossanova and went to sleep.
how about you?
what was your party music this weekend?
what did you do?