Originally Posted by floatingslowly
it is by will alone
I set my mind in motion
it is by the juice of sapho
that thoughts acquire speed
the lips acquire stains
the stains become a warning
it is by will alone
I set my mind in motion
Not trying to derail you but as a Dune nerd I have to point out that that phrase isn't in any of the novels.
As far as the Dune movies go, yea I prefer the lynch one although I'm not crazy about it. I think lynch's attempt was close but no cigar. Like you guys said, he left too much stuff out. I really enjoyed his visual interpretations of everything. Except the Bene Jesserits being bald though, wtf was that? Every one of the books describes them as having long dark scraggly witch like hair.
Uggh god, and now ANOTHER Dune remake is set to go into production any day now.
From the director of The Kingdom and Hancock? Does anyone else think that's a horrible choice?