Originally Posted by cars_willkillyou
85 marukin, and a 92 bianchi. The Bianchi is beautiful. The marukin is the bike i try to get hit by traffic in. It can haul ass when i need it to, and when I need to as well, but its heavy, old, pretty banged up, yet perfectly ride-able and functional. Just has quirks. Like the Millenium Falcon. The Bianchi is a TIE Interceptor. Its small, its quick, and looks amazing.
I used to have a 2004 Canondale hybrid bike. It was a road/dirt bike frame with wide slick tires. I think they were inch and a half wide. But they were slicks, so there werent like and treads. Sorry if my explaination sucks, im blazin right now and pretty tired. I love my Canondale. I rode it everyday when I lived in gainesville. I didnt even drive a car. I rode my bike anywhere I needed to go. I also biked a 70 mile marathon from the University of Miami To Key Largo, which was incredible. Then during my last week gainesville, my bike is stolen from my front porch, which was a bike rack that belonged to the pizza palace that i lived above/worked at/restored. It was locked up. The only way they got it was with some big ass bolt cutters. then they would have to saw off the U-lock that locked the front tire to the frame. It sucked. I loved that bike.
that sucks about your bike. that's what i'm afraid of here in the city.
i used to go to gainesville all the time from 2003 to about 2006. the only good place for shows was there. everything from wayward to common grounds. do you still live there and are you going to the fest?