jameson is the liquor of gods. I have consumed a fifth of jameson by myself during what my friends and i designated as "whiskey monday." Whiskey monday was inspired by the fact that mondays suck for everyone. So we wanted a way to make mondays awesome. Our solution was stocking up on whiskey and 20 oz pepsi. Then pouring about 1/5 of the pepsi out and replacing it with jameson, wild turkey, or bushmills. One time we did Jack, but it just didnt feel the same. Anyway, we would do this at the beginning of the day, then go to school/work and just keep refilling bottles with whiskey. So eventually, it was a 50/50 mix. After that, we get another 20 oz and repeat the process. After school/work, we buy another bottle of whiskey and wreaked havoc on gainesville.
I miss whiskey mondays.