Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Someone more educated than me (Glice?), tell me what a "Riad N' the Bedouins" is...
a fucking sick song!
Some of the album is horrendous, but there are about 5 or 6 songs that are pure Gunners gold, even though its pretty OTT
Sorry is like a bluesy No Quarter by Zepplin verse with a total alice in Chains chorus
Better is a sweet track, apart from the pop intro. Quality chorus.
Catcher In The Rye - i swear if this song had just a little less unnecesary backing tracks it'd be one of my all time classic gunners ballads
Raid n the bedouins - classic gunners rocker - nothing wrong with this one!
IRS - good rocker too
Street of Dreams - melodramatic as hell! but it is gnr after all...love it.
well its a hell of a lot better than velvet revolver...