Originally Posted by atsonicpark
It is, technically, great. It's still too boring to ever listen to except when I'm in the most specialist of moods! Also, that song is probably my favorite song by them, and it didn't really have anything to do with my statement, I just wanted to say... "Littul jonnah jewellllllllll."
I see yr point completely here. I think for many people that Television represent more of what was happening in NY during that time than most other bands, considering they formed back in 73ish. While the Ramones will always be credited for their accomplishments and so forth, Televison seem to be considered more like muses or perhaps the foundation for mid to late CBGB sruff.
Anyways, yeah I love ''Friction'', winding, gritty, masterpiece, and I also like other tunes on that record and it
is a great record, I simply think that it commands more over peoples sense of history and relevance than their likes/and dislikes of sound.