That is more then the entire Horn of Africa combined
Ethiopia (6 million)
Zimbabwe (4 Million)
Sudan (2 million)
Somalia (4 million)
Kenya (1 million)
Uganda (500,000)
Eritrea (500,000)
so someone explain to me how America is the land of plenty, because last time I checked, there are more Americans needing food assistance to live then in the Horn of Africa, which most Americans think of as the hungriest place on earth?
propaganda is a motherfucker... Americans and the world know how many hungry folks are elsewhere, but in their own country we are all ignorant of the massive hunger and needed food aid for Americans...
for shame too those who think that America is living any better than the rest of the world, it is the same place. There is more violence and killing than in most war zones, there is more poverty than there are people in most countries, and there are more people needing food aid than any other single place in the world, many places combined in fact!
Pray for us all!