Tall Firs at the Studio at Webster Hall with Peter and the Wolf and Isles Tuesday Nov. 18
Everybody's going wild about the Studio at Webster Hall, and everybody's going wild for Peter and the Wolf. And guess what, if you do the research you'll find that the PATW dude was raving about the 'Firs way back in 2005 and even putting them on a mix CD! Slam Dunk, people! In your FACE!
We don't know much about these Isles characters except they've got some catchy numbers on the computer and are pretty cute in a South Brooklyn coiffed-moustache kind of way. No word on if they are single or have a steady income but good eye candy nonetheless.
Party on, Party People.
Aaron Fir
125 East. 11th Street. New York, NY Doors at 7:30 $7 advance/$9 door
peter + wolf
sets 8:30/9:30/10:30