i was surprised to read in the paper yesterday that when David Beckham goes into a supermarket he has to buy 20 Pot Noodles, no more and no less 20 on the button! and Steven Gerrard has to wash his hands 15 times a day.
I have to dry my hands with a specific towel and drive the house nutz when i cant find it and throw a pure spaz attack when its in the wash in which case my hands have to dry naturally, i'm also a bit odd about masturbating in the shower - and my friend, this is a good one, MUST flush the toilet before he steps out of the shower - this makes for great humour when he stays in my house and has a shower. i.e. the toilet is a good distance away and his struggle to flush with his feet, about as firmly as you can get in a wet shower and his body dangerously streaching the whole length of the bathroom to reach the flusher
do any of you good people have some sort of funny thing or ritual that must be carried out in order for you to live some sort of god forsaken normal life?
"Pescescimmia ha grandi bulbi oculari blu, ognuno attaccato su un lato della sua testa, in modo tale da risucire a guardare indietro senza girare la sua testa pesciosa"