Electro Harmonix Frequency Analyzer-
Filter off
Mix to 80% wet
Shift until at about 11 o clock, fine tune it to E.
I use that setting for a few songs
Filter off
Mix to 50%
Go to about 3 o clock, and fine tune it to the same D as your 3rd fret on your B string.
Blues Driver-
I like to the set the tone knob to about between 7 and 11 o'clock, any higher and the harmonics start to have a tad too much treble. I set the volume appropriately, and either set a little bit of gain, or a lot of gain.
Dano Tuna Melt- Speed at about 3 o'clock, triangle wave, depth too taste
Dano Chili Dog- oct 2 and oct 1 all the way up, clean off.
Dano PB+J- I generally keep the delay time maxed out, and use the long short footswitch to go between the two time settings. If I am using the long setting, I usually have the mix 50% dry 50% wet, but I go more dry if I want a more reverby like sound and I turn the repeats down.
Arion Stereo Analog Delay- all maxed out