Originally Posted by Thin_icE
You have a right to your opinion, and I never said that one must adore everything SY-related. But one thing is expressing your opinion and other is slaying a good record like RR, it might not be the typical SY record, but it has good songs in it.
To me this situation feels like what went down with Metallica during the Load and Re-Load period, they were heavily crictized for making alternative albums and completely disregard their metal roots, when actually they were taking a step forward and making some decent songs, even though those were not the typical songs one would expect to hear on a Metallica record.
After a few years they give in to the pressure and start to rush back to their roots, what's the result? Fucking shite albums with god awful sound, resulting on tours where they play almost only songs from the Black Album and earlier albums.
It's not like you can compare Metallica and SY (of course SY is THE shit  ), but this situation reminds me a lot of what Metallica went through, and I'd rather see the band I love go on a different direction, do something I don't expect them to do, but do it well, rather than giving in to pressures and ending up releasing big piles of real crap.
But that's my two cents.
I don't think it has anything to do with Rather Ripped or that any comparison between the situations can be made at all, but those Metallica albums were NOT a step forward. They were steaming piles of shit that demonstrated an aging band out of ideas trying to cash in on the latest commercial trend. What Metallica "went through" was spending a fortune having an on site therapist to hold their hands while they cried like babies for having gone back on everything they stood for as a band outside the mainstream and become a pathetic cartoon who's only interest is in chasing after record sales through marketing schemes (and this goes back to the black album in my opinion).
The situation with Sonic Youth is in no way similar because their core fans have hardly abandonned them or done anything more than noted that the most recent record isn't great like the one before it. That's happened once or twice in the past through their almost thirty years as a band. It isn't really a big deal and doesn't mean the next record won't be incredible.