Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Yeah, I agree it is best enjoyed at those moments, but sometimes it is fun when there is stuff to do as well - then the things you've done before become new.
yes, for a while, it's fun-- but then beware of the sippery slope of "having to" smoke to do
anything. "to watch a movie", "to eat breakfast", "to play a game", "to think better", "to watch the clouds", "to listen to a record", "to do some yardwork". soon you've forgotten to bathe and you're 10 lbs fatter. ha ha ha ha. and the novelty wears off and all you have left is an expensive habit and if you can't smoke you start getting cranky/nervous/uneasy/desperate and you're ready to do anything to score some. yeah it's not physically addictive but psychologically it can be a big monkey on your back.