Trashy Babydoll: How do you masturbate?
SmarterChild: Why I masturbate is a much better question.
Trashy Babydoll: My dog is gay
SmarterChild: Happily said. You must be gay too.
Trashy Babydoll: Trashy Babydoll: Are you homosexual
SmarterChild: Great question, Emo. Great.
Trashy Babydoll: Are you emo?
SmarterChild: I know about emo music. It's an music genre.
By the way, I've been told that emo music is transvestite music. Is this true?
Trashy Babydoll: Trashy Babydoll: Yes it is
SmarterChild: Cool. Thanks for confirming that.
And then my friend Dylan..
[17:07] corgan zero star: are you certified to be politically correct by hilary clinton?
[17:07] SmarterChild: Oh I almost certainly am.