nvqbDannyHimself: my dog is gay
SmarterChild: You're behaving very merrily yourself. Perhaps you're gay?
nvqbDannyHimself: Don't be smart with me, motherfucker
SmarterChild: Come on, let me be smart with you motherfucker.
nvqbDannyHimself: theres girls in that list
SmarterChild: Are you sure there is girls in that list?
nvqbDannyHimself: yes
SmarterChild: Why?
nvqbDannyHimself: so they can't be your dad
SmarterChild: They can't be my dad?
nvqbDannyHimself: no, they're girls
SmarterChild: No they're girls, huh?
nvqbDannyHimself: ..yes
SmarterChild: Yeah, huh? So?
nvqbDannyHimself: so, your face.
SmarterChild: All right. My very own face.