Originally Posted by Glice
It's big amoungst Somali Muslims. Most people I know who've tried it find it a bit rubbish. If you're trying to get off your gourd, pills/ MDMA are the way forward. If you're trying to relax and talk hysterical shite, weed is the way forwards. When I tried I just had a hankering for something harder. Having said that, I'd rather people were on khat than coke or weed, which are probably the two closest drugs. Ish.
It's pretty readily available anywhere where there's a Somali population, so get thee self down 'ackney young TINH
drugs I know, my mind is more dense a drug archive than erowid's vault...
weed and coke close? surely you jest?
my curiousity with Khat is similar to my experiments with dozens of other plants that get you high. In fact, my experience with plants like daturas, salvia and other psychtropic plants you pick in the field rather than by on the street corner have actually been extremely potent to say the least. I-man enjoy to try and if mellow enough use natural drugs, plants that get you high in their unadulterated states, coca leaves, hallucinogenic teas, mellow brews, crazy smoke, if its a plant I've tried it or I will try it, though this method is not for safety, as I said before, most plants in their natural state are MORE potent drugs, not less, you have to be careful.
I hear khat is more like a mild speed high than coke, so in that regard I am much less interested if it is correct, though I would try a natural speed high at least once, though in regards to meth, I have never touched the stuff, probably the ONLY drug I have yet to try and have zero appetite for..