1. What is your age? 26
2. What is your gender? male
3. Where do you live (Country) usa
4. Do you listen to music regularly? yes
5. If so, how often would you consider you listen to music? it deoends on if im busy or not, but i usually sit down and listen to music for at least 2 hours a day.
6. What type of music do you listen to most commonly? soul and punk rock
7. On a scale of 1 (quiet) to 10 (loud), how loud would you consider your choice of music inheritely? it depends on how loud i make it. i usually turn my ipod up full blast. so loud i guess.
8. Using the same scale as a reference, how loud would you consider you listen to this music? loud on ipod. moderate at home.
9. Do you believe that this is a dangerous enough level to damage your hearing? probably when i listen to my ipod.
10. Approximately, how high is the level set on your Mp3/CD player of choice in reference to maximum possible volume of said device? (eg. half, third, full) full blast.
11. Do you attend live music events? yes.
12. Do you consider the noise level at said events of a dangerous level? probably
13. Do you often wear any form of hearing protection at said events? no
14. Are you in an occupation that involves, in your opinion, dangerous levels of noise? no
15. Is this resolved in any way by your employer? (eg. by providing hearing protection) n/a