Isabnormal conformal anomalies. The diluvial? I conformed till the isogeotherms of our eyes bled blood. It was so egalitarianistic but now I know that we can, in fact, blow each other up and still be connected to the fideism of fatalism and hedonism. Sacramentarian solitary confinements and sleep deprivation patterns: we came together on that day for an eleemosynary hour of "I'm going to get up in a minute". It was beautiful. Then, cherry "swimming trunks" acolouthic and Fazoli's aeropleustic. Despite my ixiodic and interstitial instincts, I was proven lamiaceous and.. well, that's how it is.
And so begins another vespertinal trek on the scarabaeans of ebay. The pascual adventure meant I snagged Landstalker. Patibulary rations and rational realizations aside, I guess you can say that life is okay.
Job? Sucks. Sex life? Great. Music? Medium-rare. Video games? Mystagogical. Taste? Absinthe. Leonine sign. Can't find that margaritomancy Paper Mario for xenomancy Gamecube but oh well.
eatyoutosurvive: There is nothing more embarrassing than watching a nearly 70 year old man prance around onstage at halftime of perhaps the biggest event of the year.
PimpDadAC: i hope mick jagger whips his cock out.
Prick Jagger.
I'm feeling somewhat oestrogenic today. Pyogenic and such. This week was fun. My friend doesn't like the Pixies. How spodogenous is that? I know he governs a monarchy, but come on, I love you and all, how can you do this to me? "I Bleed". Pigmentocracies aside, I can't complain.