A lot of Sonic Youth stuff is addictive to me, but I guess that's obvious considering the board.
I kind of move from addiction to addiction. Recently I've been completely obsessed with the new DOOM album, but I think I may slowly be transferring that love to the Bunny Gets Paid reissue.
Just off the top of my head, the albums I remember having the most intense, "on loop 24/7", addictions too are, in no particular order:
Boredoms - Super Ae
Wilco - A Ghost is Born
Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
Captain Beefheart - Safe as Milk
Pharoah Sanders - Karma
Modest Mouse - The Lonesome Crowded West
Atlas Sound - Let the Blind Lead...
Jane’s Addiction – Nothing’s Shocking
My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything
Suicide - s/t
Neil Young -Zuma
Keiji Haino - Affection
Nick Drake - Bryter Layter
Shellac - At Action Park and Terraform
John Coltrane – “John Coltrane Plays”, and the rest of the classic quartet boxset really
Liz Phair - Exile in Guyville
Sebadoh - III
John Cale - The Island Years (Fear, Slow Dazzle and Helen of Troy, plus bonuses)
Huh. That list makes me look like much more of a traditional indie kid than the rest of my record collection owuld. I guess that's a sign of something about my tastes that I hadn't realised before...
I'm sure I've missed a ton of important ones. Weird thing is, it's not like that's an accurate list of my favourite albums (although many of them are), or even necessarily my favourite albums by those bands. They're just the ones that have really addictively gripped me. 30 seconds of any of those records and it can define what I listen to for the next month. Addiction is a funny thing.
The toothaches got worse, she dreamed of disembodied voices from whose malignance there was no appeal, the soft dusk of mirrors out of which something was about to walk, and empty rooms that waited for her. Your gynaecologist has no test for what she was pregnant with.