call me a sucka then...its not an atrocius album, its not an album that deserves complete slagging but i find it o0k, no more no less... i think safe as milk is a damn finer album to be honest....
i find trout a diffcult album to argue my point because i know its listed as a classic album, its up there in the greatest albums ever but then so what, i mean i really hate dark side of the moon..... it certainly has great points, and moments of sheer musical genius but alas the full whack, for me at least, falls short of being great.....
thats only an opinion of course, ive owned it for the last 15 years i reckon now and it is still in my downstairs collection (accessible) and it does get listened to on occassion, maybe it needs to be listened to more......
im not saying its shit, im not saying its a great album...for me its ok, no more no less....... sorry!