Originally Posted by Eli Renfro
Yeah, and also Lee went back to his Deadhead roots on the new album and covered a Dead song. Don't believe me? Check out track 3 of this:
Can't wait for them to bust out Dark Star -> Death Valley '69 -> Dark Star for this summer's tour, that will really melt some faces. 
Do not underestimate the connections between Diamond Sea and Dark Star. 1: (abbreviation) = (abbreviation) : DS = DS
2: -->space-->drums
3: mysto-cosmic lonely drifting in sea/space lyric
4: -->feedback
5: two bassists<--- - - - --->two drummers
6: Lee's not-so-secret past/ "Dead are all right"/Thurston's tie-bleached tee shirts/Kim's groovey stage dancing/Steve's "Rolling Thunder" drum circle album w/ Native American shamen
7: {{{avant-improv quasi-jazz rock}}}
i've been thinking of downloading all available Dark Stars and all available Diamond Seas, and creating some megalithic monster mega-mix like Greyfolded to the nth degree that lasts for two weeks.
LIVE DEADth (cassette, SST, 1985)
LIVE YOUTH (2LP, Warner Bros. 1969)
p.s. archive.org rules, especially when cross-referenced with this:
from god's mouth: "on the new album, SY joined forces with the remaining members of the dead and led zeppelin and made a quadruple-disc rock-opera concept-album about space exploration."