This is now a girl speaking. Oh man I am laughing all the way through.
Divorce was happening before the No Fault rule, it was hurting children before, just much less often." Case and point... I mean, some couples get divorced after only a couple months of marriage; what was the point, ya know? I'm pretty sure THAT didn't happen before... (And if it did, it was probably quite rare.)
Are you talking about handing out condoms to adolescents? I find that to be inappropriate if it is in the context of a public school... but what's stopping the kid from going to Planned Parenthood? A local queer youth center in my town has a basket full of condoms/female condoms/dental dams just sitting out... I'm sure there are many ways to access contraception at little or no cost. (Abstinance doesn't cost anything to begin with, lol.)
Oh, I know it's necessary at times... my ex-aunt is CRAZY! But, at the same time... the benefits of having both a mother and a father present have to be considered, even if they fight frequently. I still sometimes worry that things are going sour between my own parents...
My uncle lived in Nevada at the time; his ex-wife was attempting to take full custody of the children. It was just brutal on the kids... all she wanted to do was make my uncle suffer. She offered them money to urinate on the carpet in his house, tried to convince them that extracurricular activites were more important than school; don't even get me started on the negligence... it's sickening how many legal hoops he had to jump through.