1. Do you think you are ugly?
Possibly, but I know how to work with it.
2. If you do, do you give a flyin fuk?
3. Define ugly in terms of physical appearance and/or the person within.
I find beauty in both. I have high standards, and can have a very 'elitist' mentality at times. I enjoy a good mixture of physical, emotional, and mental beauty.
4. Do you judge a book by it's cover?
At first, yes.
5. Do you feel sympathy for someone you perceive as very ugly?
No. If you're ugly, do something about it.
6. Do feel a bit jealous when you see someone you perceive as more attractive than you?
Moreso impressed, than jealous. I try to learn what makes these specific people "more attractive" and consider ways to apply these qualities onto myself.