it's 2 separate things-- windows is software, mac is hardware and the software is a bonus. and yet, the "bonus" is the best part of the package. i wish you could get OSX on whatever machine of your choice, but that doesn't work because apple makes hardware. that's what they do. their hardware is beautiful, but flimsy (think: ipods & iphones-- highly breakable).
sure, there is hardware that is much superior to mac hardware (panasonic toughbooks, business-class thinkpads, and other things come to mind), but osx is way better than xp or vista-- except for that slow-ass browser known as safari. xp by the way is a SOLID os but it's a bit dated in look and feel. does the work though.
but anyway, i use both, and i like osx better for holding all my information, appointments, calendars, etc. i'm thinking of migrating to google documents though so i can access my shit from anywhere, which will make me more or less platform-independent.
i do love the mac's simplicity though, i just wish they made cases that are not just beautiful but also tough as fuck, which they don't-- this macbook pro has already a bit of damage, a weird click on the mousepad, a loose corner with a fallen screw, a couple of nasty scratches (fuck you, baggage checkers). so i don't see it as having a very long life, which is problematic for a piece of hardware that will run you $3/4K when you include all the bells and whistles. and yes, i could carry it like some holy item, sitting on a cushion, with a procession of acolytes clearing the way, but that's not what laptops were made for.
by the way, you can run win-doze on a mac macheen should you need to for some special purpose (i don't think you'll need it, considering your major), so i'd go maclot in your case. plus you can look at all the other cool maclots and mutually pucker your buttholes in self-satisfaction. but no, yeah, it's an image thing more than a functionality issue. all computers do what they need to do. it's just that the grandpa computer has "grandpa" written all over it, due to fashion.
i still miss my ibm x30, best laptop i ever had; the best computer ever was my mac classic, which was worlds ahead of DOS macheens in 1992.
best wishes with your little 13" mac, it's a good size to cart around and you could have a sort of dorm workstation with a pluggable large monitor & keyboard. no need to buy an apple display of course, a $200 samsung should do fine. just treat it nicely and get a good case for it or i predict it will die an untimely death.