Just loaded it up now.
Randomness follows:
-First bit quite funny. "They just seem a little weird" on the soundtrack as if to comfort those old fogies who might initially find Conan's humor a bit unconventianal. And yet, I also get the feeling that the subtext to Conan racing across America is like, now that he's on such a long running, revered show, he's "conquered America." However, this braggadoccio is wonderfully punctured when he stops in the Victorian Doll Museum.
-Conan comes out. The atmosphere reminds me a bit of Omama's inaguration. Yet here's a guy in the process of fufilling his lifelong ambition. I'm very moved. I'm embarassed by this emotion and feel like a dork.
-Glad he kept Max, the band (the best on late night--soulfull pros--that's them, right? Can't get a good look), and the theme.
-Nice to see Andy. Except he laughs a bit too hard at the "This is like a Backstreet Boys reunion. Only not as good" line. Will he be an annoying sycophant like Ed McMahon?
-Conan paces the massive stage. Nerves? Hasn't quite figured out how to use the space?
-"My name is now 'Conando.'" Haha!
-So self deprecating considering his emense sucess. Much better than the opposite attitude.
-Great Hillary Clinton joke. "Hello." And Biden. "Do you have swine flu?"
-Andy banters. "Choco Taco" bit. He'll be more of a sidekick, throwing in his own jokes? Let's hope.
-The tram film. Too funny. Always loved how Conan found humor in the most boring of settings. Presumably, most of it's improvised, which is impressive.
-The audience chants, "Circle circle," joyfully giving in to their surreal impulses.
-Yeah, shot of band before commerical. They're the same. God they rock.
-"Let's give it up for Jay Leno?" "Universal?" Fine, but sickly sweet presentation, somewhat saved by smashing the letter "D."
-Pretty good Ford Taurus bit. But I'm a little uncomfortable with the "L.A. won't change me" thing he's doing.
-My god. Will Farrel reminds me of Bush. My pop culture mind's been corrupted.
-Banter about LA? God I'm fucking sick of LA already.
-Why can't Will Farrel ever be in a really good movie? He's obviously naturally funny, so this makes me sad. "Land of the Lost?" Really? Aside from the massive paycheck, why Will? Why?
-I take it back. The clip was quite funny. I'm a sucker for urine jokes. Still won't see the movie, tho.
-I'm sure Pearl Jam was great. I skipped this bit. I do watch the end, when Conan shakes their hands. He's a genuine fan, which is cool. Do Jay and Dave really give a shit about their bands?
-That's it? "That went fast." Indeed.
In summary: I laughed quite a bit, more than I have at most movies. I ask for nothing more. Good job. I'm relieved to know that when I have fuck all to do at 11:30 for the next who-knows-how-many years, this'll be around.